Grief to Action
Making the World a Better Place For All of Us
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With Your Help, We are Making The World a Better Place for BIPOC
Grief to Action was founded to fill the needs of BIPOC in need of a place and community to facilitate healing and hope. Hear co-founder Aaron Johnson speak into the birthing of Grief to Action.
Grief to Action Origin Story

Our Story
Grief to Action was founded to fill the needs of BIPOC in need of a place and community to facilitate healing and hope. We desire to grieve and process trauma at the pace of resistance and revolution and not at the pace of media coverage. Grief to Action is a semi-mobile camp with a land-based community in the Mojave Desert. We hold space on the land and with the land for deep grief and rage that gives birth to the creative solutions we need to resist and end oppressive systems. The land and sanctuary are Black-owned and Black-led centering the needed grief support for African-heritage folks and all People of the Global Majority.
Who We Are

Aaron Johnson

Grace Bryant
Grace Bryant (they/them) loves inviting people into the shadows, discomfort and fun of sex, sexuality & intimacy, community building, anti-oppression, and dismantling our inherited and created conditions. They founded Sacred Embodiment Community whose vision promotes connection and transformation through social change, awakened embodiment, conscious relating and spiritual liberation. Grace offers intimacy, relationship, spirituality and life coaching through touch & bodywork, energy work, emotional awareness and mindfulness. They are exceptionally grateful for all of the communities, colleagues and badass people in their life who inspire creativity in the chaos and have taught them so many tools of radical acceptance, and personal and societal dismantling.
There's enough time in the day to change the world.